Monday, April 16



shannon m. said...

I can't see any needles...was this a knitting class? Looks like fun! I love the happy moment you captured!

Donna said...

This was a crocheting class for the women of virtue which Peggy Woody was teaching. At that moment, our novice crocheters were learning how to make the loop to get started and it proved a bit challenging for some. I didn't realize the camera was set to manual focus..and didn't know how to change it so it is fuzzy. But I loved the moment so much I decided to post it anyway. Andrew helped me fix it up as best we could.

Anita said...

It thought it was blurry because you were laughing when you took it ... hence your title "Laughing"! At any rate, I think it is a great shot and well worth posting!


Shona Cole said...

LOve it, the blurry look makes the shot vibrant, a caught moment. Val looks so happy there with her daughter. I can't wait until Lily is old enough for Little Women of Virtue. what a beautiful community we are!