Wednesday, April 11

Like Me...a poem

A squirming babe lies in my arms, with adoring eyes so quick to charm. Chubby cheeks, a precious pout, capricious curls, legs..short..and stout. She's a miracle in every way, like a flower blooming day by day. A gift from God, yet just a loan, since a baby's cannot own. Though I teach and train, so carefully I find, instead, she's watching me! How much like Jesus I must be, if a godly child I hope to see. As our days wing by in rapid flight, I pray for God's grace to be... a living light..a beacon bright... for a child who'll be me! by Donna C. Rodgers I wrote this poem when my 16 year old daughter, Rebekah, was 3 months old. I believe the Lord gave me this poem. I really felt like it was His assurance to me, that I simply needed to follow Him..and not worry about not being the 'perfect' parent. I felt that He was telling me to trust Him to make my children long as I followed Him with an obedient heart. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness...and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:34

1 comment:

Amy said...

Donna, this is beautiful...tears in my eyes! I will come back and read this often! Thank you for sharing this.
