Friday, May 4

My Baby and My Grandbaby

photo taken by Amanda Rodgers (daughter-in-law)


Shona Cole said...

They both look so like you. Hope you get to see them soon.

Amy said...

They do look like much! Oh, Collin is soooooo cute! I hope you get to see them soon too!

Donna said...

Thanks! He said they are all coming home for Christmas. I do hope that will happen. There is a possibility he will be going to Iraq.

shannon r. said...

Oh my he's grown! He's filling out and look how happy he is!!

Anita said...

Was Shannon R. talking about your baby or your grandbaby? Ha! Colin is, indeed, adorable!!

Andrew Rodgers said...

Awww! He's so cute! He looks just like his daddy:))

shannon m. said...

I agree, they both look so much like you! I hope you get to see them at Christmas time. It will be here before we know it!

CG said...

What a double blessing!